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First Aiders

Nikki Welyczko.jpg

Nikki Welyczko

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Dave Snutch

Mel Snutch.jpg

Mel Snutch


Tristan Snutch

LEADER in Running Fitness (LIRF)


Colin Rimmer



Scott Brownlow


Jen Douglas.jpg

Jen Douglas


Mel Snutch.jpg

Mel Snutch


COACH in Running Fitness (CIRF) &

LEADER in Running Fitness (LIRF)

Dave Snutch.png

Dave Snutch


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BRC group shot_edited.jpg


Dan Burns.jpg

Dan Burns



Livingston Relays 2018_edited.jpg

Dave Richards

BRC group shot_edited.jpg


Jay SNUTCH.png

James Snutch

COLIN RIMMER_edited.jpg

Ian Black




Purpose of Document


From time to time Birstall Running Club (BRC) has funded, or assisted in funding members who attend EA coaching courses with a view to obtaining recognised qualifications.


The purpose of this document is to formally record the qualifications in question and the circumstances under which BRC would consider financial assistance. Thereafter it will also describe the expectations of BRC from the funded member in terms of what they should give back to the club.


This document may be stored alongside committee minutes or as an appendix to the BRC constitution at the discretion of the committee.




The courses/qualifications in question at the time of writing are:


LiRF – Leadership in Running Fitness

CiRF – Coach in Running Fitness

Assistant Coach


Details of content, course duration, and cost can be found on the training pages of the England Athletics website.


BRC policy for financial assistance


Any application from a member for assistance with financing the above courses will be considered by the committee and the committee shall have the right to consider each application on its merits, however, at the time of writing the precedents are as follows:-


Only LiRF courses have been supported

Committee has agreed to fund up to 2 candidates per season (subject to club need).


Considerations for “Club need”


The number of required qualified personnel will vary depending on club membership size and club aspirations for athlete development. The following list is non exhaustive but is a useful start point for committee consideration.


  • The role of Club Coach Coordinator will benefit from being CiRF qualified although not essential.

  • If the club aspire to introduce a formal program of coached sessions it is recommended that 1 CiRF and 2 AC’s are appointed for every 50 “active” athletes.  NB, and active athlete is someone considered likely to want to take advantage of formal coaching i.e. an entirely different number to the number of members currently in the club.

  • For C25K programs the club should aim to have at least 3 qualified LiRFs

  • Pace leaders for club runs would benefit from having LiRF qualification.

  • The presence of qualified personnel at club sessions enhances the professionalism of the club, strengthens our position from a Health & Safety perspective and may help in the unlikely event of claims for negligence.


Expectations from a sponsored member


Sponsorship of a club member through a formal running qualification should be seen as an investment for the club and as such BRC expect to see some return.


Anyone holding the above named qualifications is entitled to charge a fee for provision of their service.


With the above in mind BRC expects the following:-


  • A sponsored athlete will have a good faith intention to remain with BRC for a minimum period of 2 years from the date on which BRC paid for their course.


  • Any fees charged for their services, in the name of BRC e.g. a BRC backed C25K program will be paid to the club.


  • Fees charged for services outside of BRC activity e.g. 121 personal training within the first 2 years should be paid to the club subject to a maximum equivalent of the cost of the course.


  • The member will be expected to take an active role in group run leadership either as a pacer or tail runner.


  • Actively encourage developing athletes.


  • Offer advice to the extent of the limit of their knowledge but recognise this limit and seek advice from higher qualified individuals, medics or EA if they cannot personally answer.


  • LiRFs will be expected to lead or assist in any C25K program backed by BRC


  • Assist or lead under guidance any sessions developed by the Club Coach Coordinator.


  • Optionally attend events organised by Leics & Rutland Sport run leader network.


  • Actively seek to continually develop their coaching knowledge and skill.


  • Input ideas for committee consideration on athlete development within BRC and potential sessions that may achieve this aim.



Again, the above list is not exhaustive.


Whilst no sponsored member would necessarily be expected to meet ALL of the above criteria, the list should be shared with any prospective applicant.



Dave Snutch – BRC Club Coach Coordinator



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